File Format Converter (Doc-Docx, Xls-Xlsx, Ppt-Pptx)

Many of the reasons people still retain the use of Microsoft Office Word 2003. In addition to more familiar in its use turned out to office 2003 is more friendly to the PCs in which the embedded processor in the Pentium 4 into the lower class. Microsoft Office Word 2003 also did not adopt the animation-animation that is so complicated it is this which can lighten the work of memory. It seemed that's what makes the user could move to another heart.

Along with the development of new embryos born charming capable of shifting its popularity, a classmate of Microsoft Office Word 2007 to Microsoft Office Word 2010. Maybe there will be more other embryos that would emerge. But for those who still survive LumbungWoro with his love (or any limitations to upgrade a PC he ... he ... he ...) in Microsoft Office Word 2003 do not need to be discouraged. Because of this observation can not be separated from the software giant also "Microsoft". As a form of tolerance then be made to the File Format Converter as a solution. By installing this application LumbungWoro can open, edit and even save files format word, excel, powerpoint to the newest version.

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